

Duration* :

3 to 6 months

Number of hours* :

9 to 24

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only

Starting at a new position and joining a team



Support the manager in taking up his or her post so that he or she can be successful as quickly as possible.


You are joining a new organisation or taking on new responsibilities as part of an internal promotion. You have your 90-day probation period ahead of you. You must strike the right balance between making in-depth observations of the situation around you, absorbing information, making the right decisions quickly and achieving the expected objectives through concrete actions.


A coach with an excellent understanding of the corporate world offers participants the perspective they need to get an overview of the new system in which they are operating (i.e. its culture and methods). The coach invites the executive participant to question his or her assumptions in order to understand the situation from different angles. This provides an overview of every individual issue. Thanks to the coach’s attentive, caring and impartial viewpoint, solution-oriented coaching helps the leader stay focused on a concrete action plan while being aware of potential pitfalls.

Duration* :

3 to 6 months

Number of hours* :

9 to 24

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only


Duration* :

6 to 9 months

Number of hours* :

15 to 24

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only

& performance



Develop the manager or senior executive’s effectiveness and potential.


Managers are regularly faced with problems that may hinder the smooth running of the company, or at least limit its effectiveness. These issues can be structural or caused by changes in the economy, but they might also reveal particular development needs specific to the manager, given the complexity of his or her environment.


Through his or her attitude, listening skills and ability to instil self-confidence in others, the coach provides a safe space that allows:

  • possible avenues for development to emerge,
  • personal strengths and factors that limit success to become apparent,
  • creativity to be unleashed, so that managers can explore all possible options and find their own solutions.

Rather than simply trying to solve a problem, the coach allows the client to increase the number of options available and develop his or her potential.

Duration* :

6 to 9 months

Number of hours* :

15 to 24

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only


Duration* :

intensive for 3 months then occasional sessions

Number of hours* :

9 to 12

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only

& evolution



Support the manager or strategic director in his or her career choices.


When a manager or strategic director decides to leave a company, it is an extremely significant moment for him or her, but also for companies concerned with providing employees with development solutions right up to their last day with them.


Customised, confidential support can offer new perspectives for reflection and dialogue. Participants can uncover the resources they need thanks to the trusting relationship developed with their coach.
This structured, well-defined and rigorous approach makes it possible to:

  • analyse the personal and professional qualities they can rely on,
  • plan for personal/professional development,
  • develop a job search strategy,
  • receive support with preparing and searching for jobs that meet key needs.

Throughout this course, the coach allows the leader to fully appreciate his or her skills, as well as personal beliefs that might limit him or her.

Duration* :

intensive for 3 months then occasional sessions

Number of hours* :

9 to 12

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only


Duration* :

1-2 days

Number of participants:

up to 8 people
Can be co-facilitated with another coach if there are more than 8 participants

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only




Revitalise and mobilise individual and collective dynamics around a shared objective.


The corporate world is undergoing permanent structural and economic change, requiring teams and managers to constantly adapt. As a result, a particular dynamic needs to be instilled in the group, so that strategic objectives are felt to be meaningful by all.


Coaching offers a dedicated space for discussion and exchange so that issues specific to each team can be tackled together. It fosters better collaboration and cohesion, in particular by enabling:

  • improved self-knowledge and knowledge of others,
  • awareness of the different types of operation, interactions and complementarities,
  • new decisions, new commitments and implementation of individual and collective action plans.

As an expert in team leadership, the coach sets the framework and gives objective, neutral feedback. He or she sets up the conditions to enable everyone to speak freely, using professional, healthy and respectful communication.

Duration* :

1-2 days

Number of participants:

up to 8 people
Can be co-facilitated with another coach if there are more than 8 participants

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only


Duration* :

2 to 4 hours per session

Number of participants:

up to 8 people

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only




Lead solution-oriented pedagogical and tailor-made work sessions.


In an increasingly competitive and constantly changing environment, the company must allow its employees to acquire new knowledge and skills in order to best meet customers’ new needs.


An essential tool for motivating and retaining talent, personal development also makes it possible to improve individual and collective efficiency. The coach’s different techniques and approaches help keep the group’s energy and participation levels high.
Examples of topics covered:

  • maintaining personal bonds: managing and nurturing positive relationships,
  • managing relationships remotely: fostering and maintaining individuals’ interest,
  • mobilising your team: finding personal qualities in an uncertain environment,
  • finding balance: protecting yourself and your team.

The learning, awareness and individual action plans established during the workshop allow participants to pass on and model new knowledge and practices to their employees.

Duration* :

2 to 4 hours per session

Number of participants:

up to 8 people

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only


Duration* :

6 to 9 months

Number of hours* :

9 to 24

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only




Support start-up managers in the pre-sales phase and at every stage in the business thereafter.


When a start-up type organisation finds itself in the pre-sales phase for the first time, it does not necessarily have the in-house human resources that would help it get a comprehensive overview of how products and services are introduced onto the market.


A guidance professional with operational experience in sales management provides a pragmatic outside perspective regarding:

  • price strategy,
  • target customers,
  • market,
  • value proposition,
  • commercial organisation,
  • specific profiles to be recruited, etc.

In addition to helping with issues around putting products on the market, the coach also helps participants increase their awareness of existing support, as well as any development needs they might have. The aim is to mobilise the personal qualities participants can offer during this key period in the life of a start-up.

Duration* :

6 to 9 months

Number of hours* :

9 to 24

*Duration and number of hours provided for information purposes only