Starting at a new position and joining a team


Support the manager in taking up his or her post so that he or she can be successful as quickly as possible.


& performance


Develop the manager or senior executive’s effectiveness and potential.


& evolution


Support the manager or strategic director in his or her career choices.




Revitalise and mobilise individual and collective dynamics around a shared objective.




Lead solution-oriented pedagogical and tailor-made work sessions.




Support start-up managers in the pre-sales phase and at every stage in the business thereafter.

The clients


Business Unit Manager


Starting at a new position & joining a team

“I began my coaching sessions with Rodolphe in 2020 following a change of position within my company.

I began my first management position rather quickly and I had very concrete expectations.

I was very satisfied right from the initial sessions and it gave me the tools and the right reflexes to manage a team, successfully.

We worked in an atmosphere based on trust and kindness.

The impact of this coaching with Rodolphe was wonderful and definitely noticeable!

Thanks Rodolphe !”


Finance Manager



“Rodolphe knows how to conduct his coaching sessions with kindness in a relaxed atmosphere.

It clearly gives a real boost and, more importantly, it raises personal questions and brings things into perspective in a very interesting way. In short, go for it!”


Marketing Manager France,
international company in medical devices


Development and performance coaching

“Coaching for me, put very simply, means being able to freely interact with someone you trust in order to find your way, hear AND listen to true feedback about yourself, your own perception and the perception of others.

To do this, you must find someone to accompany you, someone kind and organised, with an objective and honest view.

Working with Rodolphe over several months allowed me to move forward, to ask myself the right questions, to part with negative ideas and to go forward more easily without burying my head in the sand.

We accept that we are human and that others are too. Trying to understand instead of judging, trying to find solutions instead of being right is much more complicated than it might seem and it summarises well what Rodolphe and I worked on.”


Digital Marketing Specialist


Transition and Development Coaching

“Rodolphe has been a great help to me, asking me the right questions and finding answers deep down inside me.

Thanks to his support, I was able to confidently move forward in my career in a way that suited my values.”


Sales Director


Starting at a new position & joining a team

“The coaching I got from Rodolphe was surprising, enjoyable and extremely rewarding.

We worked together on the support he offered me with my managerial roles within a company (and, most importantly, within a team) where there was a lot of stress and change.

Rodolphe was able to adapt to my particularly unique situation – I wasn’t really okay where I was, but I was refusing to admit it.

This broader perspective, my ability to be open to other things, to accept that my success on paper wasn’t actually quite so perfect… these were all things I figured out in our discussions. In hindsight, his listening skills have been so valuable.

This is what makes a good coach: listening to people – to the human being rather than the dogma – along with great professionalism. I ended up getting to know myself better, and I felt happier and more fulfilled – and I’m now working in a new company that is much closer to my values.

Rodolphe is a person first, and then a coach; he is steeped in values that make your professional relationship with him genuinely meaningful.”


Clinical Innovation Manager


Team coaching

“I felt at ease within the first few minutes of the session that Rodolphe led.

The interactions are constructive and informative because of the workshops’ structure and the group discussions.

Conversations with Rodolphe, both before the training and after it, enable you to get as much as possible out of this programme and ensure continuity over time.

Personally, I have been able to implement what I saw in the training in my day-to-day life.

This has helped me to improve how I interact with my colleagues, as well as my team’s performance.

Thank you, Rodolphe!”


Clinical Operations Manager, DM Industry


Development & Performance Coaching

“I sought out coaching so that I could get some perspective on my role as a team manager, understand what was working in my way of doing things, and what wasn’t, and continue to develop.

Rodolphe listened and showed great adaptability; we could easily move between different topics (depending on current events!), or dig deep into an issue when it was necessary.

The discussions have always been fluid, and at times quite open – I was able to talk about whatever was on my mind. Other times, they were driven by interesting tools which I was unfamiliar with, which allow you to better understand your own personality so that you can “work” better with yourself.

I really appreciated this opportunity to reflect on myself, with support and guidance, and I ended up feeling more confident.

Thank you, Rodolphe, for your support over the last few months!”



Transition & Development Coaching

“I could say lots and lots about it, but if I had to keep it short, I would just say Rodolphe is very understanding, generous and friendly first and foremost.

He is serious about his work, getting involved and working to support you in your development.

My experience with him was a success because he was able to understand me, get to know me and support me as best he could with my challenges. He really helped me to overcome barriers and work on areas for improvement.

I highly recommend his services because I’ve seen other coaches, and people like him don’t come along every day. He’s really good at what he does and, above all, he’s passionate about his work – and it shows!

In addition, he never lets you down, he is there for you when you need some follow-up support and reassurance.

I’d like to thank him and I’d say to anyone who doesn’t know him: don’t think twice about choosing him, as he will be a great help!”


Media and Communication Manager


Starting at a new position & joining a team

“I called upon Rodolphe as part of a job which involved high stakes.

I appreciated his “inside” experience of the business world, which makes his interventions all the more concrete and relevant.

We defined my goals together. Over the course of the sessions and due to his fair and benevolent questioning, I became clear-sighted and was at peace.

The collaboration with Rodolphe allowed me to put things in perspective and was like a breath of fresh air, in a demanding work environment.

Through the use of tools, we were able to take stock of my professional personality, which allowed me to put certain realities into perspective and get to know myself better.

In short, Rodolphe’s performance is useful both from a professional and personal development viewpoint.

I would definitely recommend him!”


Market Access Consultant


Transition & Development Coaching

“I called upon Rodolphe at a time when I was completely lost within my professional career.

First of all, Rodolphe was really attentive and was able to perfectly adapt his coaching to my issues and my goals.

I greatly appreciated the exchanges with Rodolphe, both due to his experience and his generosity, not to mention, his simplicity and benevolence.

Our discussions were filled with sincerity and were like a genuine breath of fresh air and optimism during this complicated period.

Thanks to his support, I was able to dwell over the right questions and understand what was really important for me and for the rest of my career.

Rodolphe also allowed me to become aware of my acquired experience and my strengths, in order to regain self-confidence and forge ahead more serenely.

A big thank you Rodolphe for your help, your support and your follow-up, which I shall definitely call upon, without hesitation.”





“Very attentive to others, you remain attentive to your environment and you perceive the subtleties of each individual.

One feels listened to and understood.
You were able to offer me areas for improvement that were completely made for me, focused on my questions each time, immediately understood my “obstacles” and thus helped me overcome these.

You were very available, which gave me confidence and reassurance.

Rodolphe, you pass on messages through a lot of humor and major kindness.

Your dynamism is a driving force, not to mention, your contagious good humor!”


Project Manager



“Rodolphe has a professional posture as a coach, during the training process, by being genuine and kind.

He gave me the confidence I required, encouraged me and corrected me with kindness throughout the training.

Very open and communicative, he is super attentive and has a sense of sharing that he does not hesitate to mobilize so that the person can improve in a continuous manner.

His very complete, precise and rigorous feedback are a gem of information to progress.

Always optimistic and available, his zest for life is contagious, which makes the workshops all the more productive. Thanks  Rodolphe !”


Project Manager


Transition & Development Coaching

“Rodolphe accompanied me during several coaching sessions to help me resume better self-esteem following a professional failure.

Each session was enriching and filled with emotions.

Through benevolence, relevance and without any judgment whatsoever, Rodolphe analyzes situations very quickly and supports us in our reflections.

It gives us tools to better understand ourselves, to understand others and analyze situations from a different angle.

What I appreciated during this time was the questioning, the benevolent listening and the reformulation which allowed me to become aware of some of my functions and to reconnect with emotions related to past situations that I thought I had gotten rid of.

I feel at peace, I learned to think from another angle, to be in tune with my needs and I regained my self-confidence.”


Head of International clinical study projects


Development & Performance Coaching

“My company enlisted Rodolphe’s services to successfully carry me through to the completion of a significant program.

If you doubt your abilities, your legitimacy, if you overreact to the slightest request, if you are in constant stress or have a poorly experienced workload, do not hesitate any longer! Contact Rodolphe.

I wish for everyone to be supported by Rodolphe and to benefit from his experience (for once, a complete understanding of my work environment), his absolute kindness, and his ability to reveal your true self.

Rodolphe has enlightened me on the leader that I am, supported me in affirming my own work methods, expressing my needs, overcoming my fears, setting my boundaries, and staying aligned Mind Body Heart.

What a fabulous experience! I have emerged from it grown, serene, and curious.

The Luna in me thanks you daily! 😉”